Composants et Solutions pour votre industrie

Camozzi Automation

Produits, solutions et services pour une automatisation industrielle à 360 degrés

Introducing the New Electric Actuation Sizing Tool
Introducing the New Electric Actuation Sizing Tool

Simplifying and optimizing the selection of electric cylinders for enhanced efficiency

Camozzi Automation Italia awarded the Silver Medal for Sustainability by EcoVadis
Camozzi Automation Italia awarded the Silver Medal for Sustainability by EcoVadis

The recognition by EcoVadis confirms our company's ongoing commitment to sustainable practices, with a focus on the environment, human rights, ethics, and responsible supply chain.

NEW Pressure Booster Series BPA | Full range
NEW Pressure Booster Series BPA | Full range

Extra pressure. Precisely applied.

Camozzi Flow Sensors SERIES FS
NEW Flow Sensors | SERIES FS

Your compact & versatile solution for real-time monitoring


Camozzi Automation est un leader mondial dans la conception et la production de composants, de systèmes et de technologies de contrôle des mouvements et des fluides pour l'Automatisation Industrielle, le Transport et le Life Science.


The Camozzi Group’s leadership in the various market segments in which it is operative is based on the key pillars of constant research and innovation.